My website is launched!
It’s been a long-ish way to get to this point.
First, when I completed my training as a mediator, I did not even think about having my own website. What was I going to say on it, I wondered. Of course, it was a busy period in which I wanted to practice my new skills and meet other colleagues from around the country and the World.
Now, that I am in the fourth year of my practice, and after resolving a number of varied disputes and conflicts, I am ready to share my skills, knowledge and experience through writing about it in my own cyber-space. I am also keen to let you know what I am doing, where I am heading with my practice and how we could work together for the promotion of this important area of practice.
In this blog, I will also bring you my presentations at workshops, conferences and webinars. I will also write about interesting mediation precedents that may be useful for everyone to be aware of.
This is it from me for the first blog. Keep coming back and let me know of your thoughts through the ‘CONTACT’ part of this website.